Tea Leaf Green

August 19th, 2006

Milestones Music Room

Rochester, NY

Source: Schoeps MK4(ORTF)->KCY->VMS 02 IB -> R1 (24/41)

Location: Front center of SBD
Transfer: Adobe Audition 1.5 (fade in/out, 24->16 MBIT + dither)->cd wave->flac ** 16 bit **

Taped by: Daniel Godwin (daniel@upstatetapers.org)

Transferred by: Daniel Godwin (daniel@upstatetapers.org)

Size: 887 MB (flac)


Set 1:

01. Precious Stone

02. Warm Up

03. Ride Together

04. Bastard Brother >

05. Devils Pay

06. Hanging from a Tree

07. Baseball

08. I Try So Hard (LTP pre setlist tracking)

09. Morning Sun

Set 2:

01. Criminal Intent

02. Gasaholic

03. Las Vegas

04. Hot Dog >

05. Tequila

06. Country Seduction

07. Panspermic De-Evolution

08. California

09. 5000 Acres

10. Bouncin Betty


11. Emma Lee >

12. Garden Pt 3

Notes: Hope I got the setlist/tracking right.
Thanks to "Pineapple" for the setlist.
Split set 2 where ever you'd like if you're burning to cd.
Questions, email me: daniel@upstatetapers.org

24 bit also available. See: http://www.archive.org/details/tlg2006-08-19.flac24
