This DVD set contains all my personal collection of the audience tapes from the 1974 comeback tour.
Almost three quarters of the band sets are included as well.
This was the first tour I completed in my early collecting days (the early 70's).
Since then I have obtained many upgrades and missing Band sets, and these are included here.
I do have many alternate and partial tapes, but I've decided only to include the 'resurrected' best quality shows instead of all the component parts. Except where noted, none of these tracks have been obtained from any bootlegs.
I transferred my tapes to CDR a few years ago, but I did not document any processing of my cassette tapes onto CDR. Using CoolEdit I would usually have applied some normalisation, and removed or repaired any sound dropouts. Minimal hiss reduction was also undertaken, but no noise reduction was ever applied.
Highlights include the restored stereo tape from 4 Jan 74, the newly found master recordings of the complete Boston 14 Jan 74 A & E shows, and digitally improved versions of the master tapes from the 1974 Project of Bob Meyer. The recording from Charlotte 17 Jan 74 has also been speed corrected.I believe this to be the highest quality and most complete collection of these shows that has ever been assembled into a set.
No PA tracks are included here, and I recommend obtaining my '10 CD 1974 PA collection' if you want to suppplement this set with all the available PA tapes.
My guides and original Artwork are included.
LJK 1 April 2005