Steam Powered Preservation Society
Tut Taylor Tape #27

Tut Taylor

Recording: Soundboard:? Mallory C-90 Cassette (Type I)
Transfer: C-90 Cassette:Nakamichi ZX7>Lunatec V3 (24/96)>Coaxial RCA>M-Audio Firewire 410>6-pin Firewire>Wavelab 4.01a
Transfer By: Keith Kreider

Post Processed using Nuendo/Waves X-noise and Linear Phase Multiband EQ. The dobro lesson was mono.
Waves S1 Stereoimager was applied. Rendered to 16/44.1khz using Waves L2 Ultramaximizer (Type 1, Ultra).

Partial notes:

Side A:

A few mandolin tunes and about 10 minutes of a dobro lesson (~35 minutes total)

Side B:

more dobro lesson and two more mandolin tunes