Zero - Sunday, October 22, 1995
Blue Star Cafe - Hartford, CT

AMS ST250 “Soundfield” On Stage
(2-1/2 feet on stand, DFC) Blumlein Technique
(Crossed Pair Figure Eights @ 90 degrees)->
AMS Control Box->Modified Sony D10 Pro II

DATs used in transfer cloned from master
DATs via Panasonic SV3700->Sony D8 via spdif

xfer via D8->SEK'D Prodif Plus->Samplitude Project->
CDWav->MKWAct->shn (seek tables appended)

taped by Ron Keyser
transferred to shn by Ray Brooks

CD #1 - Set I
1.) Cissy Strut
2.) Catalina
3.) Pits Of Thunder
4.) The Shape I'm In
-- Set II --
5.) Afro Blue
6.) Highway 61
7.) Tell Me All About It

CD #2 - Set II cont.
1.) Use Me Up
2.) Chance In A Million
3.) Outskirts Of Town
4.) Golden Road
5.) Home On The Range
6.) E: Horses

Note: Vocals (or attempted vocals) on Golden Road are courtesy
of a drunk person from the crowd who decided he knew the song,
words and all, and was going to sing them for everyone after
grabbing Judge’s microphone from it’s holder. After mumbling
some words, along with a couple of loud “Hugh’s” (the sounds
you make right before you puke), he was finally escorted off
the stage. The band stared in amazement and confusion at the
balls this guy had.