10,000 Maniacs
New York NY
21st February 1986
AUD: Sony lapel mic > Sony WM-D6 > analog master > 1st gen analog
Transfer: 1st gen analog > BBE > Audacity (volume adjustments) > WAV > CDWAVE (track) > FLAC
Recording, transfer and tracking: Scott Simpson
Received as tracked wav from the taper, November 2016
> Audacity (minor edits
01 Maddox Table
02 Just As The Tide Was A Flowing
03 Poor De Chirico
04 Can't Ignore The Train [start cut]
05 Scorpio Rising
06 Lilydale
07 Back O' The Moon
08 Everyone A Puzzle Lover
09 Grey Victory
10 Among The Americans
11 Planned Obsolescence
12 Daktari
13 My Mother The War
14 Angels Of Stone
15 Cotton Alley [end cut]
16 Orange
17 Arbor Day
18 Pit Viper
Running time [67:27]
Slight cut between tracks 03/04, and tracks 12/13, and towards the end of 15
Scott Simpson notes:
It seems 10,000 Maniacs passed through NYC a few times this year. And through Danceteria as well. This was when the venue offered free shows on Tuesday nights before the larger after hours dance crowd arrived. We went because the band was recommended by a friend. This was the era of my D6 and Sony lapel mic. The room was practically empty, so it was mostly just me standing in front of the stage. Over the years, the master tape was lost. And, as I never really got into the band, this straight 1st Gen dub is all that remains. But this tape was probably only played once in the past 30 years, so it's pristine. Off of a Fuji FR Metal tape.
November 2016