10,000 Maniacs
Mosque Theater
Richmond, VA
November 13, 1992


Exact lineage unknown, but this probably is all digital.


Disc 1
1. These Are Days
2. If You Intend
3. Like The Weather
4. A Campfire Song
5. Cherry Tree
6. You Happy Puppet
7. Eat For Two
8. Noah's Dove
9. How You've Grown
10. Circle Dream
11. Eden
12. Jezebel
13. Trouble Me
14. What's The Matter Here?

Disc 2
1. Stockton Gala Days
2. Candy Everybody Wants
3. Hey Jack Kerouac
4. Few & Far Between
5. My Sister Rose
6. City Of Angels
7. Who Rolled the Stone Away? (a cappella)
8. Don't Talk
9. The Painted Desert
10. To Sir With Love
11. Dust Bowl

Thanks to PC for the source discs!
EAC/compression by terrapinstation 04/10/2005

Another Porky Prime Cut from Terrapin Station!!