May 5th, 2009
The Orange Peel
Asheville, NC, USA
Source: dpa4061s > MMA6000 w/low cut @ 100hz > Microtrack 24/96(24 Bit Wav@48Khz)
Location: right side, 30' back from speakers
Conversion: Microtrack 24/96 > USB > CEP2000 (>16/44.1) > CD Wave > Flac Frontend > Flac
Taper: geordy
01. Intro
02. Beautiful Disaster
03. Random
04. Don’t Tread On Me*
05. Freak Out
06. Lucky
07. Uncalm
08. Hydroponic
09. Love Song
10. Galaxy
11. Applied Science**
12. Use of Time
13. You Wouldn’t Believe
14. Nix Hex
15. Transistor
16. Do You Right
17. Hey You
18. Freeze Time
19. Salsa****
20. Unity
21. P-Nut Bass solo
22. Mindspin#
23. Fuck The Bullshit##
* - First song off the "Don't Tread On Me" album played this tour
**- After Chad's solo, Nick came back on stage wearing a sleeveless Music album T-shirt
***- On stage setlist, but not played
****- Played due to crowd chant, Nick remarked, "hey, we know that one." Note, this song was on the stage setlist as second song of the encore after "Mindspin."
#- First time played since 3/11/06.
##- "We're going to end this one like we did in the old days"