Alternate Routes
Gathering of the Vibes
Seaside Park
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Source: (OTS 15ft ROC) Neumann U89i (Subcard, NOS, -80h)> Apogee Minimp> Apogee Minime> (Digital) + Neumann KM184
(DIN)> Grace Design Lunatec V2> (Analog) Edirol R-44 (with Oade concert modification). All 4 channels recorded
at 24/48 on a 8gb Transcend class 6 SD card. All 4 microphones were on the same microphone stand at approximately
Transfer: SD card> Card reader> PC. Samplitued SE No. 9 (Normalize, fade in/out, resample, dither, merge two
sources)> CD Wav (tracked and converted to Flac).
Recorded by: Ed Guidry ( Email me with any reseed requests.
Thanks to Rob Clarke for the clamp space and patch from his 184 rig.