Ian Anderson
Orpheum Theater
Boston, MA

Source: Senn ME-80's (front row balcony) > TCD-D3 by Dr. B. Fried
Transfer: MDAT > Fostex D-15 > Tascam DA-3000 > WAV @ 16/48 (take 1)
MDAT > Sony D-100 > Tascam DA-3000 > WAV @ 16/48 (take 2)
MDAT > Tascam DA-30mkII > Tascam DA-3000 > WAV @ 16/48 (take 3)
Master: Wavelab 11 (tracking, merge 3 sources, Ozone 9 Maximizer) > FLAC 1648

Thanks to Doc Fried for taping and lending his tape to be digitized, and the Dan Rogosa for facilitating.

Set I
01. In A Stone Circle
02. In Sight Of The Minaret
03. banter - intros
04. In A Black Box
05. In The Grip Of Stronger Stuff
06. banter
07. In Maternal Grace
08. In The Moneylender's Temple
09. banter
10. In The Defence Of Faiths
11. banter
12. At Their Father's Knee
13. En Afrique
14. banter
15. In The Olive Garden
16. In The Pay Of Spain
17. banter
18. In The Times Of India

Set II
19. Heavy Horses
20. banter
21. Life Is A Long Song
22. banter
23. Sossity, You're A Woman >
24. Reasons For Waiting >
25. Sossity, You're A Woman
26. banter
27. Wond'ring Aloud
28. banter
29. Cheap Day Return
30. Nursie
31. Dun Ringill
32. She Moved Through The Fair
33. Dust Devil
34. banter
35. Jack-In-The-Green
36. Bouree
37. Aqualung
38. band intros - crowd

39. Locomotive Breath

Ian Anderson - Flutes, guitars, Vocals
Andrew Giddings- Keyboards
Doanne Perry - Drums & percussions
Jonathan Noyce - Acoustic Upright Bass
Chris Leslie - Violin

A nother terrific recording from the balcony's edge.

Unfortunately, the tape would not play back cleanly on any one DAT machine. After a lot of work, the three transfers were combined to produce a clean product, except for one bring spot during In The Defence of Faiths, which just wouldn't transfer cleanly.

The show begins with Ian Anderson's 12 Dances With God album (1995), and then moves in the second set to older material. The first set, in particular, is quiet / orchestral / acoustic, with extended banter between songs. The second set was louder and more rock 'n' roll. The Ozone Maximizer was used to bring the volume up and make the quiet parts audible.


--mhg :: 2024-07-14