Justin Hayward
Harris Center For the Arts, Folsom Lake College
Folsom, CA
August 27, 2019
Taper: The Jackal
Tascam DR-05 (internal mics) WAV > Dell Inspiron 13 > Audacity (mitigate some close crowd noise, fades & tracking) FLAC
All the Way, And More Tour
Who Are You Now?
Dawning Is the Day
Tuesday Afternoon
Justin speaks
Voices in the Sky
The Actor
Justin speaks
Are You Sitting Comfortably?
Justin speaks
The Western Sky
Justin speaks
Forever Autumn
Never Comes the Day
Your Wildest Dreams
Nights in White Satin
The Story in Your Eyes
I Know You're Out There Somewhere
Justin's band
Karmen Gould - flute
Julie Ragins - keyboards, backing vocals
Mike Dawes - guitar
Another Jackal Production vol 30: Justin Hayward 2019-08-27 Harris Center Folsom Lake College, Folsom, CA
The Harris Center is part of a 3-stage performing arts center on the local community college campus. It seats about 850 and has great sound. And even better, it's only about 1.5 miles from my front door (maybe 7 minutes away taking residential streets). Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of shows at the Harris Center (at least to my liking). I've never attended more than one in any of its dozen or so seasons... except in 2019. Not only were there two great shows that year, they were back-to-back! The night before Justin was Jon Anderson, which I posted last week.
The Moody Blues were my first favorite band as I was discovering my musical tastes in the early to middle 70s. When I first started attending concerts in late 1974, I was bummed that they were on their post-Seventh Sojourn hiatus. Although I had moved on to other favorites by then, I finally got to see them in 1978 and again in 1981. Fast forward nearly 40 years to 2019 and John Lodge turns out to be part of the Royal Affair Tour headlined by Yes, which I saw in the South Bay Area at the Mountain Winery and a month later Justin appears at the Harris Center. It's a Moodies revival!
Generally, it was a well behaved crowd and Justin sounded great, playing a mix of solo material and some Moody Blues faves.
Includes the tour poster & some okay pics taken with my crappy iPhone 8.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: