Martin Mull
Roxy Theatre
West Hollywood, California
March 24, 1974
early show

Mono Handheld Auto-Level Portable Cassette Deck with External Microphone
Warning: There is some tape speed drift which was found on the master cassette
It doesn't sound like helium but maybe a little nitrous oxide in places.

01. Introduction
02. You're A Man (unknown title)
03. Martin talks to the crowd
04. Martin almost plays a song
05. More talk
06. The Polish Blues
07. talk
08. I'm Everyone I Have Ever Loved
09. talk
10. The Humming Song
11. talk
12. Men
13. talk
14. She Worked The Day Shift, He Worked The Night
15. talk
16. Bombed Anyway
17. talk
18. The Nothing
19. Get Up, Get Down *
20. talk and band introduction
21. Flexible
22. talk
23. It's Alright (If you just want to go to sleep tonight) (unknown title)

Recorded by Allen Tarzwell w/ his wife Cathy for support

Sony Mic (unknown) > Sony TC-50

Nakamichi CR-3A > Audigy 4 Pro @ 24-44 > Audacity (clean up) >
Adobe Audition 3.0 (additional clean up) > CD Wav > AudioGate Aqua (16-44) > TLH (flac 8)
Song information embedded with Stamp ID3 tag editor

Recorder was close to the stage and almost in front of the sound.
Instruments are real clear sounding but the vocals are a little more distant.

Started this project years ago but the tape has a warble or drag in places and it was put to the side.
Not a lot of Martin Mull recordings out there so decided to finish this and share it.
A couple song titles could not be verified.

* tape flip was spliced at 43:29 and goes by without drawing much attention.
Phase, balance and amplitude adjustments as required

Nice of Allen to loan me his old tapes to share with you.
Some copies of Allen's recordings do exist out there.
This is the first time that the master has been digitized.
Not the best sounding recording, but decent and this is from the master cassette.

For historical reference and not intended for resale or any commercial use.

-M- (January 2015)
Flying M Productions

Fan Recordings for Collectors
Trade Freely But Please Do Not Sell