Westchester Theater
Tarrytown, NY

Todd Rundgren-guitar, vox
Kasim Sultan-bass, vox
Roger Powell-keys, vox
John "Willie" Wilcox-drums, vox

source/lineage-partial FM sourced broadcast captured on unknown equipment obtained in cd=r trade> EAC> Audacity> TLH> TTD


01-Last of the New Wave Riders 4:18
02-Back on the Street 4:07
03-Trapped 3:03
03-The Road to Utopia 3:37
05-Rock Love 5:03
06-Death of Rock n Roll 3:53
07-Love in Action 3:19
08-Couldn't I Just Tell You 3:37
09-Just One Victory 5:44

This came to me as "bonus" filler on a disc that contained another show I'd recently upped here (Todd R Nearly Human; Citi; Boston, MA 1989-07-31). There had been no indication of where this great sounding Adventures in Utopia era material came from. I actually sent it over to fnord, who's shared lots of Todd stuff here recently, to see if he could place it, but he didn't find anything about it either. Fast forward to a comment left with another recent share (Utopia, Detroit 1973-11-13; Detroit, MI). That mentioned a great list of Todd boots/rarities run out of the TR Connection website by a guy named Warren.
Lo and behold, this was there on the "Various" page as something that was tacked on to a BBC Rock Hour Back to the Bars boot from 1998 called "Real Todd". The tracks were from the NBC Network show, "The Source", and had been broadcast on 1980-01-01 (where, or what was used to record it, is unknown). Those tracks had come from a 1979 Utopia show broadcast played on 1979-11-14 at the Westchester Theatre in Tarrytown, NY, and that entire broadcast was shared here in 2013 by glasnostrd19 (Ian), and again by Kingrue in 2015. Both were running concurrently for a while with a contrast clause. Ian's had come from WCOZ in Boston, and Kingrue's from WLIR on Long Island. Kingrue's share is still live on the tracker. For what it's worth, there were 3 different versions of the complete show listed on the Todd boot/rarities site mentioned above (along with this partial).
So, why share this partial version of the show now? The answer is that, although this only includes 9 of the 17 tracks, this capture is appreciably better sounding (samples will show contrasts between all 3 versions). Not sure at all if the difference is down to the quality of the capture from FM, or the transmission itself that led to this excerpted version of the show. In any case, it's being shared now in case any Todd/Utopia fans out there would like these versions too.
For anyone considering jumping in on this, you're encouraged to listen below to the comparison samples. To my ear it seems there's a little less FM noise than in the Kingrue share, and more depth and dynamic range than the glasnost share. As for what's included here, this was before the release of Adventures in Utopia, which came out right after Christmas of 1979. As a curiousity here, Kasim Sultan sings lead on Death of Rock n Roll from Todd's Initiation album. 3 tracks from that album are included in this excerpted show, along with 3 from Oops, Wrong Planet and the final 2, which are from Todd's Something/Anything, and A Wizard, A True Star albums. This share lacks some of the stage banter before or after songs, and that will account for some differences in the track times.
If you do jump in on this, enjoy!